Urtekram review

Hello readers,

Today we have a review about a organic brand Urtrekram. Curious? Read on please….

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Extra information:

6 editors tested this brand. 2 men and 4 women age 19-32. Everyone got a different hair type: oily, dry, normal mixed. One also has eczema. We have a sensitive skin and hair. So therefore we can not use any brand on our hair. Only natural brands on our hair please. It’s very difficult to find a very great brand whiout chemicals. Now our problem got solved when we met Utrekram! Seriously a great brand. We love their products. Very soft for your hair.

Dayroutine for hair:

This is how we take a shower every day. We also wash our hair daily. First we use a showergel or body scrub. Afterweards we start with using shampoo. We use it twice. The first time we immediately rinse off the shampoo at the second time we leave the shampoo in for 2 minutes than we wash it off. Than we put a conditioner and leave this in for 3 minutes before we wash it off. You can also do 1x shampoo than the conditioner. It actually doesn’t matter.


We are going to review the following  items of this brand:

-purple lavender shampoo organic 250 ml

-purple lavender conditioner  180ml

– purple lavender body oil organic 100 ml

-purple lavender body scrub organic 150 ml

-olive oil hand soap bar organic 3x 150g

-morning haze conditioner organic 245ml


Purple lavender shampoo organic 250 ml:

Well guys this shampoo smells so good. We love this shampoo. Very gently and soft for our hair. You could feel the shampoo in your hair without making it hard. And afterwards we saw a pretty shine in our hair. Seriously we had some organic shampoos that made our hair so hard we didn’t use it again. We are so glad this shampoo of Utrekram was so good. Even the guys in our team loved it. It made our hair feel shiny again. After a working day or a rough day you can pamper yourself with this beautiful and good shampoo. We shower daily, so we tried this shampoo every day. When you shower daily you could get bored by using he same shampoo everyday. We couldn’t get bored here. You an use this shampoo every day. Oh and also on colored hair. We love this shampoo very much.



Purple lavender conditioner  180ml

This conditioner was just as good as the shampoo. We loved this very much. Also very soft conditioner. You don’t feel a heavy load on your hair when you use this conditioner. Also no tangles on your hair. Which we had with many brands. This conditioner is soft,without any heavy weight no  tagled. Seriosly in love with this conditioner. You will immediately feel very soft hair.




Purple lavender body scrub organic 150 ml

We also loved this body scrub. Normally we get some extra pores or red dots on our body when we use body scrubs of many other brands. But this body scrub of Utrekram was very different. We love this one no extra porse or red dots. Really soft and good body scrub. We loved it very much.


Olive oil hand soap bar organic 3x 150g

If you would love to have clean, soft and nice hands please use this amazing hand soap bar. We really loved this soap bar.It also smelled were good. A very good soap!


Purple lavender body oil organic 100 ml

After we take a shower we love to oil our body to protect us for dryness, escpeccially in the winter we get a very dry skin. Unfortunatly not all body oils are good enough. But this one of utrekram was very good. It also contains jojoba oil. And we really love jojoba oil. Seriously a soft and gentle skin with this lovely body oil.  And ist smells also very good.


Morning haze conditioner organic 245ml:

This conditioner was also very good soft gentle . A combination of cloudberry elderberry and cranberry.  Specially created for dry hair. Actually everyone can use it also people with oily hair. It’s good for everyone. Seriously in love with this conditioner to.



We love this great brand. We love all the products. Everything was great. These products have a multifunctional effect:it works on every hair type, every hair color, thin hair thick hair it really doesn’t matter. Every hair accept this lovely brand. We got a Utrekram addiction. We are sure you also will be addicted to this amazing brand.

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Do you know this brand or are you going to give it a try?


39 gedachten over “Urtekram review

  1. Ik zocht ook naar de prijzen. Uiteindelijk via de link uitgevonden dat de prijzen zeer ok zijn. Ik ken het merk niet (ingewikkelde naam overigens) maar jullie zijn heel lovend, dus het klinkt goed. Ik weet niet of ik het nu heb gemist of niet, maar is dit een shampoo die schuimt of juist niet?

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