Clarins autumn 2020 collection review

Hello readers,

I hope you are all doing fine. Clarins launched his autumn 2020 collection. Today we will review a few items of the collection. Read on please….

Picture: Clarins

The latest products that are launched:

  • Ombre 4 Couleurs
  • Brow duo
  • Make up Corrector
  • Mascara super duo
  • Joli Rouge Lacquer (3 shades)

The items we are going to review are:

  • Mascara super volume
  • Ombré colors




The people who follow me longer know that my eyes are highly sensitive. This means I can’t put anything on my eyes or they burn so hard and also I started crying because of the reaction of the mascara. Sensitive eyes are known to have an allergic reaction like, burning eyes, swollen eyes, irritation in the eyes many more reacties too much to mention. Well there also a disadvantage about make up for sensitieve eyes they are so expensive, mostly don’t even work out that well, even they mentioned is for sensitieve eyes. Well I know Clarins very well it’s one of my favorite brands. I love them very much. So when the latest collection is out I am in the stores if I don’t get the collection at home.

This mascara has a beautiful black color. It has a golden package. Wow nice color. It reminds me of Christmas and the winter. I love autumnn and winter. Both seasons are great. The best make up launches are there in both seasons. This mascara is so great, It makes the wimper longer, with a lot of volume, you don’t need lashes anymore if you use this mascara.


I have no wimpers, but when I wear this mascara it’s like I am wearing lashes. With just one layer you got the perfect volume lashes. If you put extra layers it gets better and better more volume. Wow I loved this mascara very much. One of the best I have ever had.

This mascara is also great for glasses wearers. The volume is super great, it is like you are wearing lashes. Many people complimented me very much about this mascara. They thought I was wearing lashes, when I told them it was my mascara, they were so curious to get their own. I even didn’t need a eye lash curler with this mascara, so much volume I got. It also made my eyelashes extra black, well the poeple who follow me longer know that I have light wimpers so you  need much improvement by a mascara or a eye lash color. Well I didn’t need that here. The mascara was too great. One of the few mascaras for sensitive eyes, not many high end brands have this. Love this masacara very much.

De Ombre 4 Couleurs 05 Jade:

De Ombre 4 colors 05 Jade has 6 new eye shadow pallet with 4 colors. This range had 6 boxes. This 2 in 1 eyeshadow has a primer in the shades and contains bamboo powder, you don’t need to put a primer or a shade cream beneath it.

So handy. I use to put a eye cream, then a eye shadow primer. Well it saves times for me now. The color we tested is no 5. It contains 4 colors: light green, blue and silver.

It’s a long lasting eyeshadowbox. Wow I love this one very much. My skin type is oily, this means you can’t wear everything on my face, especially not on my eyes, they are too sensitive. This eyeshadow had pretty shade, the colors green, silver, grey and blue were very great.

They suited well with my hazel eyes. They even turned green with one of the shades.

Wow I love this eyeshadow very much. Too much addiction here. Definitely recommendable. We love this collection of Clarins very much.

Buy this at ICI Paris XL, Douglas, Boots, Beautyoutlet, Houseoffrassier.

26 gedachten over “Clarins autumn 2020 collection review

    1. Bedankt voor je tip. Helaas kan ik niet tegen wimperextensions dat heb ik al geprobeerd dat is super slecht voor gevoelige ogen ook lashes zijn uit den boze. Mascara voor gevoelige ogen blijft dan beter. En heb ook een remover voor gevoelige ogen gevonden.

  1. Het lijken me fijne producten, maar heb nog nooit wat van Clarins geprobeerd. Ik gebruik nu een hele fijne mascara en als mij eenmaal wat goed bevalt, blijf ik ook echt trouw aan dat product.

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