Dutch Comic Con programma

Eerder kondigden we aan dat Dutch Comic con op 26 en 27 maart plaats vindt. Vandaag gaan we jullie vertellen wat je er allemaal kunt verwachten. Lezen jullie mee??


We hebben er al zin in. Door corona ging het een paar jaar niet door maar nu mag het weer. Yes we zijn uitzonderlijk blij. De vreugde kan niet op.

Wat is het programma?

Programma zaterdag:

Main Stage

10.30 – 11.15 | Jacob Bertrand

11.15 – 12.00 | David Ramsey

12.45 – 13.15 | Cosplay Catwalk

13.15 – 14.30 | Cosplay Contest

14.30 – 15.15 | Colin O’Donoghue

15.15 – 16.00 | Mandalorian Wedding

16.00 – 16.45 | Peyton List

17.30 – 17.45 | Awardshow Cosplay Contest

DCC College

11.30 – 12.30 | Official Mandalorian Wedding Ceremony

13.00 – 14.00 | Demo Special Effects Make-up by ELCFX

14.00 – 14.45 | Visual Effects by Bill Campbell (Known form Star Wars & Disney)

14.45 – 15.30 | So you wanna be a Stormtrooper?

17.00 – 17.45 | Visual Effects by Bill Campbell (Known form Star Wars & Disney)


Special Guests | Photobooth

10.15 – 11.15 | Photobooth 1 | Colin O’Donoghue

10.15 – 11.15 | Photobooth 2 | Peyton List

11.15 – 12.00 | Photobooth 1 | Carolina Ravassa

11.15 – 12.00 | Photobooth 2 | Lucie Pohl

12.00 – 13.00 | Photobooth 1 | David Ramsey

12.00 – 13.00 | Photobooth 2 | Jacob Bertrand

13.15 – 14.15 | Photobooth 1 | Colin O’Donoghue

14.00 – 15.00 | Photobooth 2 | Duo Shoot Peyton & Jacob

15.00 – 16.00 | Photobooth 2 | David Ramsey

16.00 – 17.00 | Photobooth 2 | Jacob Bertrand

Special Guests | Signing

10.15 – 11.15 | Signing 6 | Carolina Ravassa

10.15 – 11.15 | Signing 7 | Lucie Pohl

10.45 – 11.15 | Signing 3 | David Ramsey

11.15 – 12.00 | Signing 4 | Jacob Bertrand

11.15 – 12.15 | Signing 1 | Colin O’Donoghue

12.00 – 13.00 | Signing 2 | Peyton List

12.00 – 13.00 | Signing 6 | Carolina Ravassa

12.00 – 13.00 | Signing 7 | Lucie Pohl

14.00 – 15.00 | Signing 3 | David Ramsey

15.00 – 16.00 | Signing 2 | Peyton List

15.00 – 16.00 | Signing 4 | Jacob Bertrand

16.00 – 18.00 | Signing 1 | Colin O’Donoghue

16.00 – 18.00 | Signing 3 | David Ramsey

16.45 – 18.00 | Signing 2 | Peyton List

17.00 – 18.00 | Signing 4 | Jacob Bertrand


Programma zondag:

Main Stage

10.30 – 11.15 | Jacob Bertrand

11.15 – 12.00 | David Ramsey

12.45 – 13.15 | Cosplay Catwalk

13.15 – 14.30 | Cosplay Contest

14.30 – 15.15 | Colin O’Donoghue

15.15 – 16.00 | T.B.D.

16.00 – 16.45 | Peyton List

17.30 – 17.45 | Awardshow Cosplay Contest

DCC College

10.30 – 11.30 | So you wanna be a Stormtrooper?

12.45 – 13.30 | Visual Effects by Bill Campbell (Known form Star Wars & Disney)

13.30 – 14.45 | Demo Special Effects Make-up by ELCFX

15.45 – 16.30 | Visual Effects by Bill Campbell (Known form Star Wars & Disney)


Special Guests | Photobooth

10.15 – 11.15 | Photobooth 1 | Colin O’Donoghue

10.15 – 11.15 | Photobooth 2 | Peyton List

11.15 – 12.00 | Photobooth 1 | Carolina Ravassa

11.15 – 12.00 | Photobooth 2 | Lucie Pohl

12.00 – 13.00 | Photobooth 1 | David Ramsey

12.00 – 13.00 | Photobooth 2 | Jacob Bertrand

13.15 – 14.15 | Photobooth 1 | Colin O’Donoghue

14.00 – 15.00 | Photobooth 2 | Duo Shoot Peyton & Jacob

15.00 – 16.00 | Photobooth 2 | David Ramsey

16.00 – 17.00 | Photobooth 2 | Jacob Bertrand

Special Guests | Signing

10.15 – 11.15 | Signing 6 | Carolina Ravassa

10.15 – 11.15 | Signing 7 | Lucie Pohl

10.45 – 11.15 | Signing 3 | David Ramsey

11.15 – 12.00 | Signing 4 | Jacob Bertrand

11.15 – 12.15 | Signing 1 | Colin O’Donoghue

12.00 – 13.00 | Signing 2 | Peyton List

12.00 – 13.00 | Signing 6 | Carolina Ravassa

12.00 – 13.00 | Signing 7 | Lucie Pohl

14.00 – 15.00 | Signing 3 | David Ramsey

15.00 – 16.00 | Signing 2 | Peyton List

15.00 – 16.00 | Signing 4 | Jacob Bertrand

16.00 – 18.00 | Signing 1 | Colin O’Donoghue

16.00 – 18.00 | Signing 3 | David Ramsey

16.45 – 18.00 | Signing 2 | Peyton List

17.00 – 18.00 | Signing 4 | Jacob Bertrand


Wil je ongeveer weten wat je ervan kunt verwachten lees dan hier ons verslag van 2019!



Wie van jullie is er ook bij? Wij zijn van de partij. Hopelijk zien we jullie dan…



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