Giant Teddy Bear review of

Hello guys,

I hope you are doing fine today. We are extra fine. We got a giant teddy bear in our mail box. Today we are going to review this giant teddy bear. Read on please.



Teddy bear lover

I was always a fan of teddy bears. I have a lot. I am 31 years old and I have a giant collection of teddy bears. I even have my birth bear. Not many people can say that. Well I am so addicted to teddy bears I still buy them in the stores. People mostly think they are for my children, no sorry I dont have them. I keep buying bears. Love them so much. They are my children.


160 cm/5.2 ft

I always had the dream to have a gian teddy bear. Unfortnately I didnt have much space in my rooms where I lived. Then suddendly I got my own office there we go. The bear got be added to my own spot. The bear is 160 cm and 5.2 ft. Very big. I am 1.65 cm 5.4 feet so the bear is 5 cm shorter than I am. I am truly in love with this cute bear. He is light brown a perfect color for a perfect and cute bear. He is 3.8 kilo 8,38 pounds. Not heavy for me. The bear is actually light weighted you wouldn’t even notice it when you lift it up.



Cuteness overload

The bear is super cute. Everyone here of Beauty & Books was in love with the bear even the male bloggers were in love with the bear. The children were fighting over the bear even the youngest child of our bloggers were in love with this bear. Next to his cuteness he was extra soft. It was so nice to hug him. He was super soft. I was touching it all the them next to everyone here. I couldn’t believe it our mega giant cute teddy bear, a great bear added to my giant collection. The cutest bear I have ever seen.




Speaking about hugging we even had a cute photoshoot with him. We went to Noordwijk ( a beach and flower erea of the Netherlands) to have a great shoot. See the pictures below:


Noordwijk flower erea



Well these yellow flowers made this cute picture extra great


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The fire tower  of Noordwijk at the beach ( vuurtoren van Noordwijk op het strand) visit their site here 

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Cabrio Teddy let’s make a ride in his Cabrio 







Cutest bear ever

We are so happy with this bear. He is mega extra cute. No one can’t like him. He is too cute for that. My perfect best friend forever. He is now on a discount price 74,95 euros normally you pay 79,95 for this bear. That’s absolutly cheap for this cute bear. I normally buy a small teddy bear for 15 euros and he is not even 20 cm. The price is totally worth it for this cute bear. He is of a good quality. He even went on the beach, the kids even jumped on it and he was still standing. Not torn. So the you get a good guarantee of a nice teddy bear. The most cutest and best bear I have ever seen! I am sure you all will like it too.



Buy this at


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21 gedachten over “Giant Teddy Bear review of

  1. Haha mijn zoon wilde precies zo een maar dat mocht niet van mij. Staat maar in de weg vind ik. Hij zou jaloers zijn op je 🙂

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