Outfit of the day Only

Hello people,

I love fashion. I really like to dress up a little casual. I was in Only with my colleagues I spotted a great outfit. Read along.


I love it when my outfit feel comfortable. I always wear sneakers, unless I go to an event or a party. The sneakers I am wearing now are from Adidas type swift run.


But when I am regularly walking on the streets you will never spot me with heels. I don´t like them seriously. I don´t know why. From my younger years I never loved to wear those. I sure tried, but it felt like my feet were imprisoned. The summer holiday´s started in the Netherlands, that means no school for me for almost 2 months. OmG I can´t believe it. So I went for shopping to Only. One of my favorite stores. I spotted a lot of beautiful outfits. My budget wasn´t high so I decided to take 1 full outfit. First of all, I saw a great black Alive T-shirt with a flying horse. Loved this one very much. So I decided to buy it.



Then I Saw this great denim Jacket and this denim pants.


My black Adidas sneakers made my whole day. I commonly wear black sneakers. I don´t like to wear colorful shoes. Nothing for me.

Outfit details:


Alive T-shirt Only €16,99

Denim jacket Only €39,99

Denim pants Only €39,99

Adidas swift run Adidas store €89,99


How was your day? What do you think of this outfit?

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